Đề thi thử IELTS lần 1 – 2023

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Đề thi thử IELTS lần 1-2023

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It is matter of intense debate whether children should be segregated according to their intelligence level in schools. Some people feel that there should be separate teaching for intelligence students and weak students. However, others believe that it would be better to teach all children together. This essay intends to analyse both perspective. I, however, side with the latter view.

Those who favour teaching intelligent students and weak students in separate sections, say that the intelligent and weak students can be taught at their pace and the sessions can be made more interesting for them. Moreover, different teaching tactics can be adopted in each group to give students the maximum benefits. In a mixed group, many times weak students cannot cope up with the pace of studies and so come under high pressure. However, when they separated, teachers can handle them tactfully and bring them back their lost confidence. Furthermore, it has been seen that sometimes the more intelligent students show disruptive behavior. They can grasp things very soon and then can be disturbing elements in the class. It can become very difficult for the teacher to maintain discipline in the classroom.

On the other hand, the main reason for teaching students of all abilities together is that otherwise the weak students would develop an inferiority complex if they were separated. In addition to that, the other group might tease them for being weak at studies, which can have a direct effect on their psyche. On the contrary, when students study in a mixed group, a sense of competition develops and weak students are motivated to study. The intelligent students can help weak studies and the bond can e strengthened this way, even weak students would not feel belittled.

In my opinion, children should no be separated, as only academic abilities are not enough to Judge the intelligence of the students. A student who is not good at studies, may have some other qualities, which he may pass on to the other students. I would rather suggest what I had in my school, and that is extra coaching to weak students. It serves the purpose best as teachers save their time and energy and yet maintain the effectiveness.

To sum up, although there are merits of both approaches to teach students of different abilities, it would be better to teach them in a mixed class.

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